IAM-YP Articles

IAM-YP Articles

August 2023

Generation Z in the Business World: Shaping a Purposeful, Inclusive, and Sustainable Future

By María Eugenia Mansur, Partner Relations Manager, Edelweiss


The rise of Generation Z—individuals born between the mid-1990s and early 2010s—is transforming the business landscape as they enter the workforce with unique perspectives, values, and priorities. As this generation comes of age, their impact on the business world cannot be ignored. Gen Z has shown a deep concern for issues such as the search for purpose, work-life balance, flexibility, feminism, environmental sustainability, and social justice, making it essential for companies to adapt and create an inclusive environment that embraces generational coexistence.


Generational Coexistence

The current workforce consists of multiple generations, each with distinct experiences, expectations, and work styles. Gen Z recognizes the value of learning from older generations while also bringing their fresh perspectives and technological prowess.

As Gen Z joins the workforce, they are met with Baby Boomers, Gen X, and Millennials in the same workplaces. To ensure a harmonious and productive working environment, companies must foster generational coexistence by encouraging collaboration and embracing the diverse perspectives and experiences each generation brings.

Embracing intergenerational diversity enables organizations to leverage the strengths of different generations, driving innovation and growth.


Search for Purpose and Work-Life Balance

Unlike previous generations, Gen Z is driven by more than just financial rewards and job stability. They seek meaning and purpose in their work, aiming to align their personal values with their professional endeavors. They prioritize working for companies that contribute positively to society, making social and environmental impact a core component of their career choices.

Gen Z also recognizes the importance of work-life balance and places a high value on personal well-being. They seek flexible work arrangements that allow them to pursue their passions, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and spend quality time with family and friends. Companies such as Edelweiss, that can offer remote work options, flexible hours, and a supportive approach to work-life balance are more likely to attract and retain young professionals from this generation.


Flexibility and Agile Work

Flexibility is a key factor for Gen Z when considering career opportunities. They value the ability to work remotely, have flexible hours, and adapt to changing circumstances. Edelweiss is one of those companies that embrace flexibility creating a culture that promotes employee autonomy and trust.


Concern for the Environment, Feminism and LGBTQ+ Rights

Environmental consciousness, gender equality and LGBTQ+ rights are core concerns for Gen Z.

Growing up in an era of increasing climate change awareness, they are deeply committed to sustainability and demand that businesses prioritize eco-friendly practices. They expect companies to reduce their carbon footprints, invest in renewable energy, adopt sustainable supply chains, and minimize waste.

They expect equal opportunities and fair treatment for all individuals in the workplace, regardless of their gender identity. Gen Z's strong belief in diversity and inclusion drives them to challenge traditional gender roles and fight against discrimination.

Gen Z is the most diverse and inclusive generation to date, and they actively champion LGBTQ+ rights. They support and expect workplaces to provide a safe and inclusive environment for individuals of all sexual orientations and gender identities.

Organizations that prioritize sustainability, LGBTQ+ rights and forward-thinking gain a competitive advantage and attract Gen Z employees and consumers.


Generation Z is reshaping the business world with their unique concerns and aspirations. Their search for purpose, emphasis on work-life balance, need for flexibility, commitment to environmental and LGBTQ+ rights, and focus on generational coexistence are driving positive change within organizations.

At Edelweiss, we are proud of the arrival of Gen Z in the workforce and the creation of inclusive environments that embrace generational coexistence.

Is Remote Work Here to Stay? Office vs. Remote Work: A Millennial Perspective

By Andrea Gärtner Cala, Sub Manager of Marketing and Public Relations, Intramar Shipping SAS

As a young professional in the international moving industry, I find myself at the forefront of the continuously changing landscape of work arrangements. The rise of remote work, commonly known as “home office,” has ignited extensive discussions regarding its long-term viability and attractiveness.

In this article, I will explore the perspectives of young professionals, particularly millennials like myself, on the topic of remote work, its potential in the international moving industry, and the ongoing debate between office-based and remote work models.


Embracing the Remote Work: A Millennial’s Take

For many millennials, myself included, remote work has opened up a world of possibilities. The flexibility to work from home or any location with an internet connection has redefined the traditional 7-to-5.30 work routine. Remote work has enabled us to strike a healthier work-life balance, giving us more time to pursue personal interests, hobbies, and spend quality time with our loved ones.

Moreover, the eradication of long commutes has not only saved us time but also reduced stress levels and environmental impact. The convenience of managing work and personal life seamlessly within the comfort of our own homes or preferred locations has been nothing short of liberating.


The Digital era for Remote Work

The digital era has played an important role in making remote work a reality. High-speed internet, sophisticated communication tools, and cloud-based collaboration platforms have bridged the gap between employees and employers, enabling seamless virtual interactions. This technological advancement has facilitated teamwork, knowledge-sharing, and project management, regardless of physical distances.

In the international moving industry, where communication with clients, partners, and team members across different time zones is a norm, remote work seems to be an ideal fit. Embracing a remote work model can potentially enhance productivity, foster a global network, and increase accessibility to clients worldwide.


The Social Aspect: The Office Environment

While remote work offers undeniable benefits, the traditional office environment still holds its charm. For some young professionals, the workplace represents a space for social interactions, team bonding, and face-to-face collaboration. Engaging in spontaneous brainstorming sessions, cooler conversations, and team-building activities can create a sense of belonging that is difficult to replicate virtually.

Furthermore, the office provides a structured routine that helps maintain focus and discipline (for some people). The separation of work and personal space can foster better work habits and mental well-being, as it draws clear boundaries between professional and personal life.


Hybrid Model: Striking the Perfect Balance

As the debate over office vs. remote work intensifies, a third option has gained popularity—the hybrid model. This model combines the best of both worlds, allowing employees to split their workweek between the office and remote locations. The hybrid model addresses the desire for social interaction and work-life balance while offering the flexibility of remote work.

In the international moving industry, the hybrid model could provide the ideal balance (taking into account, of course, that not all profiles and not all jobs, due to the nature of the work, are suited for this work model). On days when collaboration and in-person meetings are essential, employees could work from the office. On other days, when individual tasks or virtual meetings dominate, remote work can be embraced to maximize efficiency and convenience.


The Promise of Flexible Work: Shaping the Future

As a young professional, I firmly believe that the future of work lies in flexible work arrangements based on clear objectives and goals. A work model that does not necessarily require rigid schedules but, instead, allows for flexibility within a framework of mutually agreed-upon norms. However, older generations and, in general, many industries including international moving, still maintain deeply ingrained cultural norms and educational perspectives that view a “successful and well-done job” as one that necessarily demands sacrifices, including adherence to rigid work hours.

Nevertheless, I am convinced that the true magic of jobs and hiring lies in fulfilling the company needs and functions for which a worker’s talent has been selected. Therefore, creating a truly remarkable work environment simply requires establishing well-defined rules and expectations that align with both the worker and the employer. This alignment empowers individuals to shape their own professional and personal lives successfully.

The paradigm shift of work, with the integration of remote, office-based and hybrid models, has the potential to shape a brighter future for the international moving industry and the professional landscape in general. However, as a young professional, I think that companies should start making the way for the true future: flexible work, fostering a culture of trust and confidence in employees’ abilities while valuing their time and well-being. The implementation of the future of work will pave the way towards authentic flexibility, where old labor mindsets transform into people-centric approaches.


Embracing the Shifting Paradigm

As a young professional in the international moving industry, I firmly believe that remote work is here to stay, reshaping the way we approach work in unprecedented ways. For millennials like me, the freedom, flexibility, and work-life balance that remote work offers are invaluable.

In industries such as international moving, the implementation of remote work or hybrid models holds immense potential. Leveraging digital tools and innovative practices can transform the industry, making it more agile, efficient, and globally connected.

However, despite the widespread adoption of these new work models in many companies, it has become evident that they alone may not be sufficient to retain talent. So, the promotion of talent retention goes beyond mere work arrangements—the future of work goes beyond the physical location or models of work. It lies in embracing a people-centric approach that values talent, nurtures growth, and prioritizes employee well-being.

As the international moving industry and other sectors evolve, organizations that champion a flexible and employee-centric culture will be at the forefront of attracting and retaining the brightest minds in the competitive job market. By embracing this transformative shift, companies can create an environment where employees thrive, leading to sustained success and growth for both individuals and the organization as a whole, ensuring the younger and older generations feel valued and motivated to stay with the company for the long term.

As young professionals, it is our duty to embrace these changes and contribute to the creation of a work environment that empowers us to thrive both personally and professionally.


By Daniela Krumdiek, Business Development Manager, Express Transports, S.A.

When I read the topic for this July/August issue, “Think globally, act locally”, I immediately thought about our activity before the LACMA conference: “Un Techo Para mi Pais” (Spanish for A Roof for My Country). Also known as TECHO, it’s a nonprofit organization that mobilizes youth volunteers to fight extreme poverty in Latin America by constructing transitional housing and implementing social inclusion programs. Their motto is, “a house is a right for every human being.”

LACMA (the Latin and Caribbean Moving association) has worked with TECHO since 2014. During that time, we´ve built 30 houses and one aqueduct with the help of 385 volunteers and an investment of $107,353.

At the LACMA conference in Buenos Aires, we had 47 volunteers who arrived two days before the conference started in order to participate in the construction. Our building days were a Saturday and Sunday, February 25 and 26. We departed in a bus to a community approximately one hour away from our hotel, called Florencio Varela. There we met with the TECHO volunteers and separated into four smaller groups to work on each of the four houses houses we had donated. The 47 volunteers were all moving industry members from all parts of the world, and were of all ages.

These two days of activity were hard. The weather was really hot; more than 35 degrees. Many of the volunteers had never seen any of the tools we were using and the families were really shy at the beginning. The hours passed and we started to see how the holes we dug in the foundation now had a wooden stem, and we were able to build the wooden floor. When lunch hour arrived, it was the perfect moment to break the ice with each family.


At the end of the first day, three of the four groups had managed to put up the walls, which was a great motivation for the next day. Sunday started early like the day before; we only had until 3.00 pm because the opening cocktail reception was that afternoon. We had one common goal: finishing the four houses. It didn’t matter how much pain we were in from the previous day, how hot it was or how dirty we were. The only thing that mattered was to finish the four houses for the Ledesma, Mendes, Frutos and Dematos families.

And so, we did. We finished the houses and we changed four familys’ quality of life. The days of construction were full of difficult activity, but I think all participants agree that it is a life-changing experience. It gives perspective on life and makes you understand what matters most.

As the current president of LACMA Next, I couldn’t be prouder and happier to continue this activity that has preceded the LACMA Conference for the past 10 years. Also, seeing so many old and new faces, struggling with the heat, dirt and heavy tools with a smile on their faces throughout those two days, following a common goal, really touches your heart.


Resilience and Innovation in Times of Crisis: How Kyaw Min Navigated Through the Relocation Industry Amidst Turmoil

By Kyaw Min Lwin, Managing Director, Myanmar Express Int’l Moving Services Co., Ltd.

As a Young Mover, I joined the industry in 2015 to help my father’s relocation business and gaining experience from him was the best gift I could ever receive. On October 17, 2020, Covid snatched away my father. On February 1, 2021, a military coup took over the country, with repeated sanctions, riots, protests, and crimes dramatically increasing throughout the nation.

The evacuation of ex-pats and diplomats has become a critical part of the embassies and organizations. That’s where my company designed groundbreaking ideas in advance. Trying to navigate the economic situation; we made sure to pile up all our stocks like packing materials, generators, and all necessary safety equipment, and indeed, knowing the demand for the relocation sector would increase, renting out additional warehouse within the next five days after the military coup to meet the need for the following one-year evacuation/relocation process.

During this time, modern technology no longer worked due to the limited access to the internet by the government, so we immediately informed our industry partners to contact staff using direct phone calls for rates. Thanks to my late father, who gave me all the old ways of handling, every move was a success during the riots and protests where we can even use a word like “sacrifice” for some types of activities. Making sure the safety of our crews and clients was the number one priority.